Black Earth Farming Ltd (Russia) Mobile Potato Washer
Haith recently supplied the first fully stainless steel mobile potato washing system to Russia. Black Earth Farming Ltd farms over 250,000 Hectares across Russia. They first contacted us in early 2013 with interest of us to design a system that would meet all the constraints of their PepsiCo contracts.

The main criteria that the facility had to maintain was that it was to gently handle the crop at a capacity up to 35tph. The second criteria was that the machinery was capable of washing potatoes grown on various soil type from sand to clay giving a clean finished product.
The washer featured our SupaFlume Stone and Clod Removal System,1200mm diameter pintle lined self clean barrel with internal high volume spray bar and rotary brush, automatic sludge extraction and a system to take out any floating debris such as wood or plastic. Manual inspection is carried out finally prior to loading in to trucks for delivery to the crisp factory.
The whole system was manufactured from stainless steel and mounted on a road going trailer. The line was delivered by road to the Usman region of Russia and our engineers were sent out to setup the system and to give training to the Russian operators.
To find out more about Haith and its range of vegetable handling equipment, please visit our Machinery Section, email or call 01302 831 911.