
Potatoes in Practice 2021

Location Balruddery Farm, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5LL

In the field, you’ll find commercial breeders showcasing the latest varieties, agronomists demonstrating what’s new in crop protection and researchers discussing their most recent findings, all on hand to share their knowledge and give advice. The usual exhibitors marquee has been replaced by individual exhibitor gazebos, you’ll find a range of exhibitors from agricultural advisors and scientific researchers to processors and technology companies. There will also be a series of technical seminars open to all attendees complementing the research demonstrations. And of course, no field event would be complete without machinery – both moving and static.

If you wish to attend the event you can register beforehand by following this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/potatoes-in-practice-2021-tickets-164104520037

Catering and a coffee van will be available on the day but as attendance at the event is harder to predict this year you may want to pack a snack in case queues are longer than usual.

The programme of the day is as follows:

  • 08:30: Registration and Start of Event
  • 9.45 – 10.00 Official opening of event and welcome address
  • Guided Field Tours will be run at 10.00am, 11am, 1pm and 2pm. Plots can be visited at any time out with these tour times.
  • Static machinery and outdoor displays can be viewed at any time.
  • 16:00 Close of Event

Due to the continually changing Covid situation, further guidance for this event will be issued nearer the time of the event.

There will be branded event signage to the venue from all approaches. It is essential that you follow this signage and ignore your satnav. The route has been carefully planned to minimise event traffic through the village.

Parking is in a grassed area adjacent to the event field. Car parking marshalls will be on hand to guide you in and out of the car park.

We look forward to seeing you in August.

    Book an appointment
    to speak to us at this event